Of course ... Washington being Washington, this may change. But the size and scope of the legislation is the clearest example of the pervasive influence that politics has on our food. The bill was broken into two parts. The first, which deals primarily with agriculture, was passed in July. Up now: Food assistance, otherwise known as SNAP or food stamps.
Eat Drink Vote reminds us that voting is an important step in the creation of a food system that is healthier for people and the planet. You might want to check out how your rep votes on the legislation. Plus, each time you make a food or beverage purchase, you cast a vote for a food system that perpetuates the status quo or toward one that is healthier for people and planet.
If you'd like to know more about food policy, we invite you to check out these groups:
Food Democracy Now
Food Research and Action Center
Food Tank
Groups working on other food-related issues may be found here.
And see here for news about the so-called Monsanto Protection Act.